...school has started back this semester. I haven't.. I dunno if i'm going to start back this semester.. again.. after problems early on this semester..
CARD'S ON THE TABLE DC Comics is being targeted by an online campaign for the publisher to drop one of its writers. DC, one of the publishing arms of Time-Warner, Inc., owns the Superman character and has recently hired science fiction author Orson Scott Card to write a series of Superman stories, " Adventures of Superman " for its digital-exclusive publishing endeavors. Card, who has dozens of novels, short stories, stage plays and non-fiction works to his credit, is perhaps best known for his Ender's Game series of novels and short stories, the eponymous first of which is currently being adapted into a feature film by Summit Entertainment. He is also known for his conservative social activism: Card is a board member for the National Organization for Marriage (which formally campaigns against gay marriage policy in the U.S.), and he has reportedly written a number of essays sharply criticizing gay marriage and other LGBT rights issues. Some in...