Currie Writing Work Sample: Community Board Annual Report, Monthly Minutes


2016 Report to the Community

Mayor’s Task on Child Abuse and Neglect

Executive Summary

Preventing the Abuse and Neglect of Young Children in Eastern Wayne County

Child Abuse and Neglect is a Community Problem

Abuse and neglect negatively affect not only the child victims but also their families and communities. Children’s physical (including brain development), intellectual, emotional and social development are all impacted by abuse and neglect. Adults who were abused or neglected as children are more likely as parents to abuse or neglect their children. The economic and social health of communities are impacted when abused and neglected children perform poorly in school and do not graduate from high school and who as adults have mental health problems and/or are unemployed and incarcerated.

An informed, committed and engaged citizenry can create communities that enhance factors that protect children and that reduce factors that place children at risk of abuse and neglect.

In calendar year 2015, 32,335 children, birth through 17 years old (89 a day) were abused or neglected in Michigan ( 2010 Kids Count). As required by law, Child Protective Services Michigan Department of Human Services (CPS-MDHS) conducts investigations to substantiate child victims. In Wayne County, CPS found 4,993 child victims of abuse and neglect; 43% of the victims (2,138 children) were 5 years old and younger.

The Mayor’s Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect (MTF) offers prevention education in nine targeted cities in eastern Wayne County.  The Mayor’s Task Force analyzes annual CPS- MDHS data for eastern Wayne County to answer four questions:

1.                   How many children do community reporters suspect are being abused or neglected?

2.                   Upon investigation how many children does CPS- MDHS substantiate are victims of abuse, neglect or both?

3.                   Upon investigation, how many children are not found to be victims of abuse or neglect but their families are encouraged to seek community resources that can help reduce risk of future abuse?

4.                   How do statistics vary among the nine cities in the region: Detroit, Grosse Pointes (N=5), Hamtramck, Harper Woods, and Highland Park.


The purpose of the annual tracking is to learn how the Mayor’s Task Force, as the Detroit Area Local Council of the Children’s Trust Fund, can engage community residents, i.e. elected officials, faith-based, labor and business leaders, human services providers, and neighborhood activists and advocates, in strategic effective prevention education and outreach. This Executive Summary highlights the data subset that was analyzed for our youngest and most vulnerable children those birth to 5 years old. The complete 2016 Report to the Community covering all children birth to 17 years old in the region will be available electronically in May from the Mayor’s Task Force office.



Mayor’s Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect

Detroit Area Local Council of the Michigan Children’s Trust Fund



Mayor’s Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect

The Detroit Area Local Council of the Children’s Trust Fund




Christopher Currie, Mayors Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect
1151 Taylor, Room 361-B
Detroit, MI  48202
Phone: 313-876-4716

Annual Community Leadership Breakfast Promotes Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect


The Mayor’s Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect, the Detroit Area Local Council of The Children’s Trust Fund, is hosting for its seventh annual Community Leadership Breakfast, a unified stand against child abuse and neglect, at the Detroit Yacht Club, Thursday, April 12th from 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.  Parties are welcome to attend at a cost of $25 per person (checks can be made out to SEMHA/MTF; your donation is tax-deductible); a table for eight (8) can be set aside for $200.  Social Work CEUs will be available for human service professionals who attend.  April is Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month.


Confirmed guests include Jack Kresnak, CEO/President of Michigan’s Children; Annie Ray, Director of Michigan Department of Human Services- Wayne County; Maureen Taylor, President, Michigan Welfare Rights Organization.  The event’s moderator will be Michigan State House legislator Shanelle Jackson, D-Detroit.


The Mayor’s Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect was originally convened by the Mayor of the City of Detroit in 1963 to promote coordination among agencies working to prevent child abuse and neglect.  Since 1982, the Task Force has been the designated Detroit Area Local Council of The Michigan Children’s Trust Fund, serving Detroit, Hamtramck, Highland Park, Harper Woods and the Grosse Pointes. There are over 30 member agencies of the Mayor’s Task Force.



For information:
Phone: 313-876-4148



Detroit Department of Health & Wellness Promotion- 1151 Taylor * Rm. 361-B* Detroit, Michigan 48202 * Telephone (313) 876-4716 * Fax (313) 876-0523 *



Black Family Development, Inc.

2995 E. Grand Blvd.

Detroit, MI 48202


Mayor’s Task Force for the Well Being of Children and Families

Eastern Wayne County Council of the Michigan Children’s Trust Fund


April 21, 2014


Present:  Alice T., Kristi A., Lacea Z., Markita D., Karen H., Bomani G., Fawn K., Shareen M., Lynn S., Tahira K., Elmira W., Selma G..

Call to order

T. Khalid gave an update regarding the Mayors’ Task Force Community Leaders’ Breakfast.

She reported the following:

1. The Detroit Yacht Club has agreed that staff will be able to enter the building the night before the event in order to decorate the tables. She stated that she, Bomani, and Deborah will be present to make sure that all of the necessary preparations are put into place before the morning of the Breakfast so that the room will be ready to receive guests when they first arrive at 8:30 a.m.

2. She reported that Lynn has been able to secure proclamations from several civic and community leaders

3. She reported that the Committee is waiting to receive a firm confirmation from the Peters and Conyers office as to their attendance.

4. She stated that Deborah S. has agree to MC all of the program and read the Tribute for D. Strong.

5. She stated that Lacea and her assistant will man the registration table to insure a smooth process and eliminate the problems which were reported the year before.

Director T. inquired as to how many table would be available for resources and information.

Tahira stated that she will make sure that several tables are available for various displays.

Selma G. requested that a table be made available to provide information regarding the Expanded Medicaid Insurance program.

Tahira stated that she would assure that a table for this program would be made available.


Director T. inquired as to whether we in would be able to secure a better picture of the presenter. Tahira stated that she made this inquiry of the presenter and she stated that this is the best picture she had available.

Director T. also inquired as to whether there was a full biography for the speaker. Tahira affirmed that there is a full biography with which to introduce the speaker.


Executive Director Report

Director T. inquired regarding whether there would be badges for all members of the Task Force and hostesses. Tahira affirmed that the badges would be made available.

Director T. stated that she has spoken to Mr. Conrad M. Jr., Chief Executive Administrator of Sinai Hospital to inquire as to how his staff is utilizing the Purple Crying video for new parents and new parent education. He stated that he would inquire regarding this issue and report back to her. She stated that this information would allow us to understand how this video could be best utilized to assist our parents and community. She stated that she would report back to the Task Force once she receives this information.


Work Plan Update

Director T. stated that we must actively work to recruit new members to the Task Force. She stated that parents are definitely in order for our work to be compliant with the Task Force mandates.

She requested that Support Staffer Chris C. provide information regarding the names of new members when they become available. She stated that we must send letters of thanks for new members when they join this committee.

Director T. restated that BFDI has community meetings on every 2nd and 3rds Saturday of the month (Detroit’s East side meeting is 3rd Saturday and it fits in with the MTF/Healthy Start catchment area.

The Director inquired our progress regarding developing our MTF logo and committee decided to review this question after the Breakfast has been held.

Training Committee

It has been decided that Mandated Reporting continue to be a training which can be held for the professional community at least once a year.

Tahira stated that she had spoken to a presenter who would be willing to present the Trauma workshop for the Task Force as she had in the past.

Possible topics which were mentioned included human trafficking, Increased rates of suicide in black males, high incarceration rates, i.e. prison pipeline, to name a few.

Director T. stated that we could use the Purple Crying video and develop pre and post tests to measure impact in order to assess whether we are making a difference with this presentation.

She also stated that the Committee could publish three articles in local media after the breakfast regarding the ACE Study and its implications.

She stated that we could develop a position paper and develop priorities regarding our work.

A Thompson also stated that our findings regarding our work can be published in the Michigan Chronicle. She also stated that we can provide the community with information regarding the ACE study and its implications for building strong families and improving the well-being of our children.


Lacea stated that on May 20, she and Beverly W. of Wayne State U. will be presenting a workshop at Vista Nuevas Head Start, Positive Practice: The Art of Moral Building. The presentation will use the principals of positive psychology to demonstrate how individuals can both view and address the work of personal challenges in a way that improves their overall well-being through recognizing and developing their own personal strengths.   She stated that this workshop could be utilized as meeting requirement for the training mandate for the Task Force. She stated that this class offers one CEU which could be sponsored by the Task Force.



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